What is osteochondrosis?

Osteochondrosis of the spine, the sign is back pain

Osteochondrosis of the spine is a disease that affects the cartilage structure that forms the intervertebral disc in the human body. These discs ensure the movement of the spine, giving us the opportunity to move and be flexible.

Osteochondrosis disrupts the structure of the disc, its structure changes. Since the process of disc destruction is irreversible, it is impossible to cure this disease. But with the right treatment, you can stop the progression of the disease, slow it down and gain time in which the mobility of the spine will be preserved.

If the disease is not stopped in time, then after the destruction of the intervertebral disc, the destruction of the vertebra itself begins.

Important!Ignoring osteochondrosis inevitably leads to complications, forced reduction in physical activity, deterioration in quality of life, and sometimes even disability.

Among the complications of osteochondrosis, one of the most common is osteophytes. This is the name for bony growths that appear along the edges of the vertebrae. The appearance of such growths can be provoked by prolonged pressure on the spine or unstable spinal motion segments.

Causes and symptoms of osteochondrosis

Experts cite improper load distribution on the spine as the main reason that provokes the development of osteochondrosis.

However, this process can also be triggered by hypothermia of certain parts of the body or the whole organism, too much physical pressure on the back in general and the spine in particular, as well as injuries to the spine (impact on the spine, sharp bends, shocks and any physical impactwhich can cause displaced vertebrae).

Aches and pains in the neck are symptoms of osteochondrosis of the spine

There are a large number of minor causes of osteochondrosis. Usually, a person who has been given such a diagnosis can identify 7-10 reasons from this list that trigger the development of the disease in his particular case.

So, below are listed the small but important reasons that trigger the destruction of the intervertebral disc. This is something you should avoid in order not to know what osteochondrosis is:

  • stooping and poor posture (they cause curvature of the spine)
  • weak back muscles (due to this, the entire load falls on the spine)
  • always in an uncomfortable position
  • excessive physical activity related to lifting and carrying heavy objects, strength sports
  • spinal cord injury
  • lack of nutrition or excessive nutrition, which causes metabolic disorders
  • overweight
  • sit continuously
  • pressure
  • hormonal disorders
  • bad pedigree
  • aging

As you can see, there are several reasons. The symptoms of this disease also vary. Osteochondrosis manifests itself differently in different people, but the following symptoms are usually observed during osteochondrosis:

  • severe back pain
  • numbness in the arms or legs (sometimes both at the same time)
  • headaches turn into migraines
  • aches and pains in the neck and limbs
  • dizziness, colored spots in front of the eyes, sometimes loss of consciousness
  • cold hands and feet
  • characteristic pain in the chest (such as intercostal neuralgia) and heart region
  • painful movements

Occurrence of osteochondrosis

Interesting: some doctors believe that osteochondrosis is not a pathology, but a natural change in the human body.

Occurrence of osteochondrosis in a woman due to sedentary work

One way or another, it's hard to find a long-hearted person who has never experienced back pain in his life. According to various sources, osteochondrosis affects 40 to 80% of all people on earth.

Usually, a person notices the first signs of osteochondrosis in the period from 35 to 50 years. This has a lot to do with his lifestyle.

And if in some people, due to poor heredity, the first symptoms appear in adolescence, then for the majority, symptoms that appear after 50 are considered the norm.

This is due to the fact that at the age of 45 the human body stops accumulating water in the intervertebral discs and the level of collagen necessary for the health of the joints begins to inevitably decrease.

In some people, the intervertebral disc can also be squeezed. This causes pain and is called sciatica.

Stages of osteochondrosis

There are 4 main stages of development of osteochondrosis.

  1. It all starts with the fact that the nucleus pulposus is dehydrated. The fibrous ring becomes covered with cracks due to the fact that the height of the intervertebral disc decreases. At this stage, pathology is difficult to observe, because all changes occur in the intervertebral disc. No more back or neck pain.
  2. As the intervertebral disc height decreases, muscle and ligament laxity occurs. This is due to the convergence of muscle and ligament attachment points. Initially, they are attached to two adjacent vertebrae, but if the distance between these vertebrae decreases, this cannot but affect the muscle tissue.
  3. The third stage is characterized by the fact that changes become noticeable. Prolapse occurs, as well as phenomena such as disc protrusion. Protrusion precedes the occurrence of intervertebral disc herniation. As a rule, at this stage the development of the disease can be stopped, because the fibrous ring is still intact and can still be tried to be restored. But due to the fact that the protrusion does not cause pain, some people seek help from a doctor at this stage.
  4. In the final stage, the fibrous ring breaks. To overcome excessive vertebral mobility at the site of disc destruction, the body moves and osteophytes appear on the vertebrae.


Before starting treatment for osteochondrosis, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis and identify at what stage the disease is developing.

Important!Diagnosis of osteochondrosis is impossible without first collecting anamnesis.

If you notice any symptoms of osteochondrosis, listen carefully to your body.

Based on the X-ray examination, the doctor will be able to diagnose osteochondrosis.

The more you tell the doctor about your feelings, the faster and more accurately he will be able to make a diagnosis and start the right treatment. Do not think that there will be too much information: ask your relatives if they have manifestations of this disease. Family history will help determine the cause of osteochondrosis more accurately.

After the doctor has finished collecting your medical history and concluded from your complaints that it is most likely osteochondrosis, he will suggest that you undergo an x-ray examination.

If for some reason this type of examination is not suitable for you, your doctor may also recommend an MRI or CT scan. However, this exam is not mandatory under the compulsory medical insurance program, so you will have to pay for it yourself. Consider their high cost.

As a last resort, myelography is used to diagnose osteochondrosis. This is a painful and dangerous procedure in which the doctor injects dye directly into the spinal canal.

How is osteochondrosis treated?

Currently, the treatment of osteochondrosis is practiced in many clinics. Some procedures have a positive effect, while others only relieve pain. If you decide on one of the treatment methods, before starting treatment for osteochondrosis, discuss this method with your doctor.

The most popular procedures now are:

  • magnetic puncture effect
  • pharmacopuncture effect
  • reflexology with needles
  • vacuum effect
  • electrical stimulation
  • manual therapy

Most of these procedures are not treatments for osteochondrosis, but treatments for some symptoms of osteochondrosis. That is why the doctor must coordinate the procedure. This is especially true for patients who have been diagnosed with cervical osteochondrosis.

The fact is that osteochondrosis that has developed in the cervical spine is characterized by symptoms such as numbness of the arms and legs. And this is no coincidence. The fact is that in the neck area many nerve endings are concentrated. And the wrongly chosen treatment in this case can turn your cervical osteochondrosis into a complete disability.

Surgical treatment

Spine surgery is a serious undertaking so it is prescribed very carefully and only if osteochondrosis is complicated by a herniated disc. Such an operation is not urgent; it is always done just as planned. Before the operation, you need to undergo a large number of examinations and take many tests.

Such an operation is prescribed only if the doctor sees no other way out for treatment and realizes that without surgery a person's quality of life will deteriorate significantly. Before surgery, the doctor will try to provide pain relief and supportive care.


Medicines to treat this condition are mainly designed to reduce pain and increase collagen levels in the body.

Treatment of osteochondrosis is incomplete without prescribing various drugs.

However, it should be remembered that collagen and other nutrients for cartilage are absorbed not only by the spine, but by the whole body. So the effectiveness of the drugs is not that high.

Ointments recommended by doctors to be used for osteochondrosis are also primarily intended to relieve pain during exacerbations.

Unfortunately, if you have osteochondrosis, you will most likely need maintenance therapy for the rest of your life. That is, from time to time your back will hurt, you will not be able to put too much pressure on yourself physically, especially you need to avoid lifting heavy objects, putting pressure on your back and spine.

Severity of osteochondrosis

The severity of this disease can occur from high physical exercise on the back muscles. Also, osteochondrosis can be aggravated by colds or infections, as a result of hypothermia, stress, pregnancy, and hormonal changes. Weight gain will also cause back pain.


As a preventive measure, doctors offer many patients physical exercises designed specifically for those suffering from this disease.

To prevent osteochondrosis, physical therapy should be done

If your doctor has prescribed a course of exercise therapy for you, you should check with him exactly what exercises are allowed for you. Exercise will help you keep your muscle corset in tone, and this will reduce the load on the spine. In addition, this exercise will be very helpful for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Also, for preventive purposes, you may be given a massage. Depending on which part of the spine you have developed osteochondrosis, the massage therapist will work on this area. This will not only relieve pain, but also help relax the muscles. In combination with exercise therapy, massage brings good results.

Try to avoid pressure on the spine, do not lift heavy objects. If possible, dress warmly, because. . . any hypothermia can cause exacerbation of osteochondrosis.

Living full of this disease is quite possible, don't forget to take care of your body and take care of yourself.